4 Signs Your Cell Phone Needs To Be Taken To A Repair Shop

23 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

There are plenty of troubleshooting guides available online for those times when your cell phone isn't functioning normally. If your device is temporarily overheating, freezing often, or not loading apps properly, a do-it-yourself approach to the issue is usually fine. That said, there are many more serious problems that shouldn't be approached as casually, and that require the services of an expert. Take a look below to learn more about a few signs that your phone should be taken to a repair shop as soon as possible.

Malfunctioning After Water Damage

If you accidentally drop your phone in water, it may start malfunctioning in minor ways even if it is designated as water resistant. This is likely because the water has overloaded the circuitry inside your phone, something that popular home remedies (such as putting the phone in a bag of uncooked rice) may not be able to completely reverse. Instead, it is best to have all of the phone's components thoroughly examined at a repair shop.

Unresponsive Screen

When a phone's screen starts to become unresponsive — even if only occasionally — the entire phone's functionality suffers as a result. You may be tempted to replace the screen by using a sustained heat source in order to melt the screen's adhesive and separate it from the phone, but this can easily cause far more problems than it fixes. As soon as your screen begins to show signs of unresponsiveness, take it to a phone repair shop in your area.

Poor Battery Health

The battery is another vital part of a phone, and its capacity is expected to diminish gradually over time. This means that you won't get as much of a charge after you have been using your phone for several years. If you notice a particularly sudden decrease in your phone's battery health, however, it is time to visit a phone repair shop. Professionals there can easily work to diagnose any battery issues and recommend a replacement battery if necessary.

Port and Jack Issues

While many newer phones feature fewer ports and jacks, the majority of phones still have at least one. While these improve a device's functionality, they also increase the likelihood that various substances (usually liquids) can negatively affect phone performance. If you have noticed your charging port or headphone jack, for example, not working as well as they have in the past, have a phone repair specialist take a look it at.

For more information on phone repair, contact a company near you.
